The Benefits of a School Garden
a student planting a seed in your school’s garden, and just days later seeing a
tiny leaf pushing up through the soil. Tending to new plants teaches children
responsibility and teamwork. It provides an opportunity to bring science, math,
social studies, and language and visual arts to life through hands-on learning.
Vegetable gardens let children taste the wonders of fresh food. Plus, parents,
students and teachers can all enjoy the growing feeling of community that comes
from sharing a new adventure.
Gardens also provide a wealth of opportunities for teamwork. Students need to work together to prepare the soil, plant the seeds, water the plants and stay on top of the weeding. These opportunities to take responsibility and work with others can build students’ self esteem, and watching their garden grow is the sign of their success.
Gardens also provide a wealth of opportunities for teamwork. Students need to work together to prepare the soil, plant the seeds, water the plants and stay on top of the weeding. These opportunities to take responsibility and work with others can build students’ self esteem, and watching their garden grow is the sign of their success.
gardens can take many forms, from the simplest containers outside a
classroom to a multi-plot, in-ground garden featuring seating areas and a
greenhouse. But the size of your garden should not limit its potential to
contribute to the learning environment. The benefits are readily available to
all, so go and plant that seed!